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About the Practice

About Palisades Endodontics

The Latest Technology and Innovations in the field of Endodontics For You! The Surgical Microscope.

The Introduction of the surgical operating microscope has revolutionized both surgical and non-surgical Endodontic treatment. New treatment modalities have been developed which take advantage of the superior illumination and higher level of magnification of the microscope. Previously difficult or impossible procedures can now be performed predictably and efficiently.

As the second decade of microscope use in Endodontics begins, they are increasingly being utilized in restorative and periodontics offices. Our professional opinion, shared by the majority of experienced

Endodontic practitioners, is that the microscope is an essential and irreplaceable tool for the state-of-the-art Endodontic specialty practice.

Recognizing the procedural advances and evolving standards of care, the American Dental Association in it's Standards for Advanced Specialty Education Programs in Endodontics, now requires that instruction and clinical training be given to the student to perform non-surgical and surgical procedures using microscopy.

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